Our process in detail
After you decide to partner with us, we have a 6 step process that has been refined over time and optimised to ensure everything is covered.
A lot of this happens ‘behind the scenes’, but it’s all geared towards a pre-screened and pre-interviewed shortlist – all of which you feel you could hire.
The Brief
We meet with the you, to ensure we know as much about you as possible. This stage is for you to tell us anything and everything about the role, how it’s come to be, current state of play etc, but it’s also so we can give a solid account of what the office and the people are like to any prospective candidates. This is hugely important as a large percentage of the candidates we engage with on your behalf aren’t actually ‘looking’ for a new role, so it’s essential we’re as thorough as possible to ensure opportunities are discussed in a compelling way.
Market Mapping
After the brief, we get straight to work. From scratch, we go to ‘whole of market’ to ascertain which companies we can headhunt from and where the best people are hiding. To do this, we take into account things like industry synergy, size of business, size of marketing team, location, route to market, package etc.
We begin to talk to individuals who match the brief, explaining why we’ve identified them, why we think they may like the opportunity and, essentially, ‘what’s in it for them’. This part of the process is almost like our secret sauce; we’ve developed, over time, a pretty successful way of turning people’s heads and getting them open to having a chat with us.
Initial Interview
The short story here is we do it, so you don’t have to. This enables us to begin shortlisting. During this stage it’s an exploratory conversation to assess suitability, go through the fine details of the brief and the job spec, and to see if the candidates are as good as they look on paper.
Final Evaluation
At this stage, we’ve got the candidate’s CV to refer to. Here, we go through the brief again, and clarify synergy between your need and their experience. It’s also really important that we clarify salary expectations and also discuss motivations to try and eliminate things like counter offers scuppering the process at later stages.
Typically, we never submit more than 4 or 5 people. It could be more or less, depending on your requirements and the smoothness of the project. In order to submit you ‘the perfect 4’, we’ve probably identified 50 people at our Market Mapping stage.

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Some of our clients…